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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Outdoor Play enjoyed by all ages

The importance of outdoor play is something we embrace whole-heartedly at Cuddington Community Primary School and Nursery, and we have worked with OPAL (Outdoor Play And Learning) to ensure that our outdoor play provision supports the development of all our children, from ages three to 11.

 “As a school, we aim to improve the way we think and provide opportunities for play,” explains Principal Emma Dempster. “We believe that play is essential for physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual development.

“In a time where outdoor play environments and opportunities are on the decline, the school grounds provide a crucial space for children to experience self-initiated play.”

 She continued: “Working with OPAL, we assessed our play offer, which we are constantly trying to improve. Behaviour in and around school is much better and children are engaging in a much wider range of games and activities. No-one wants to miss out on time outside, as it is such an amazing place to be.”

 Our current Ofsted report notes: "Pupils enjoy the school’s emphasis on high-quality outdoor play. They enjoy their mud kitchen, chalk areas and woodland play. Pupils are taught to use these areas safely."

Our play-based, child-centred approach also incorporates ‘messy play’ and ‘just playing’, which are both known to facilitate learning. We also focus on the development of the key motor skills that are essential for handwriting.

 Our one-entry form school offers a seamless progression from Nursery through to Year 6, and we are a member of The Howard Partnership Trust, a multi-academy trust (MAT) which consists of 13 Primary, Secondary and Special Schools across South East England.

The Ofsted inspectors noted following their last visit: “The school’s leaders are systematic in their approach to school improvement and, with the support of the trust, ensure pupils are served well."