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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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The PSHE Curriculum at Cuddington

Cuddington will “Bring out the Best” in our pupils by providing a language rich and diverse experience both within and beyond the classroom. Our flexible approach enables everyone to thrive personally and academically, overcome challenges and prepare them for lifelong learning. 

This is reflected in our curriculum approach to learning PSHE, using the aims set out in DFE guidance and the Kapow scheme of work as frameworks for how we map content, ensure progression in knowledge and sequence our units of work.

Intent, Implementation, Impact

In PSHE, we will bring out the best in our learners through developing emotional literacy and language both within and beyond the classroom preparing them to overcome the personal and academic challenge they will face in everyday life. 


Children will learn how they are developing personally and socially, as well as how to play a positive, active, and successful role in our society now and as an adult in the future. Our curriculum provides students with a knowledge of citizenship on a local, national, and global level and develops a confidence and responsibility to confront many of the moral, social, and cultural issues that come with growing up in a diverse world whilst gaining an appreciation of what they have. Ultimately, we intend for them to develop skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe, show tolerance of others' beliefs, religions, and life choices, and build positive and respectful relationships with others. 

PSHE is delivered through the Kapow PSHE curriculum, which provides clear progression and has a whole school focus each half term, so children across the key stages can learn from and with each other, enabling them to grow into constructive citizens in a constantly changing society and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. 

Our children will grow into healthy, self-reliant, and responsible citizens who value themselves and others. They will develop into confident, tolerant, and well-rounded adolescents and adults who will be able to approach a variety of real-life circumstances and apply their skills and knowledge to help them navigate life. 

KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Overview


Years 1-6 Lesson Structure

Autumn 1

Family and Relationships (7 lessons)

Autumn 2

Health and Wellbeing (8 lessons)

Spring 1

Citizenship (6 lessons)

Spring 2

Economic Wellbeing (6 lessons)

Summer 1

Safety and the Changing Body (7 lessons)

Summer 2



   Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education

This subject includes sex education and drugs education. In RSHE we teach life skills which will enable the children to make informed decisions about their well-being. We wish to develop children’s resilience to enable them to become happy, well adapted and successful adults in the future. We recognise the importance of equipping children with the skills and strategies needed to enable them to form healthy relationships with others, build self efficacy and develop their capacity to face risks and challenges in a considered way.

The Governors have decided that the pupils will receive sex education lessons as appropriate for their ages. This will occur mainly in KS2 and in depth for year 5 and 6. Parents can request information with regard to curriculum content and are able to see the materials used in the sex education lessons before they are shown in class.

Over both key stages we teach and discuss with children alcohol and substance use and misuse and help them to develop decision making skills. It is also a parent’s statutory right that they may withdraw their child from Sex Education lessons. Again, parents must inform the Headteacher in writing if they intend to do this.